How to Draw Miki Falls
Step 1.
This tutorial will be teaching you how to draw Miki Yoshida full bodied image and a head sketch. For the full body sketch you will need to draw a circle shape for her head and then add the facial guidelines. Repeat this step for the head tutorial of Miki as you see to the right hand side. Next draw the neck line as well as the torso shape. You will add the arm lines to the torso and then draw the shape of her skirt as you see here. Lastly draw her leg lines as well.
Step 2.
You will now sketch out the shape of the lower part of Miki's face which is her jaw and lips on both models. Once that is done you can sketch in her hair starting with the bangs on the full bodied lesson. *Note*, Miki's face is a big longer and wider than your typical manga characters which makes her different and unique.
Step 3.
Step three you will sketch out the shape of her hair on the full bodied image and then draw in her eyes. To the head shot on the right you will sketch out her hair style which is blowing in the breeze as you see see by the lining position. Next start sketching out her shirt and make sure that her top is "V" neck cut. Draw the sleeves and then move to step four.
Step 4.
The collar of her shirt resembles a sailor top so you will need to detail the top with some lines as you see here. Next detail the sleeves and then start shaping out her torso. On the head shot of Miki you will sketch out her big eyes and color in her pupils. Detail her mouth and then move to the fifth step.
Step 5.
Continue to sketch out Miki's hair to finish off the style and then draw out her arms and left hand as you see here. Take your time and you will be drawing Miki with ease. Add some more detailing to her top and to her hair as you see here and when you are done you can move to teh next step.
Step 6.
Sketch out the ruffle lines for her skirt and then start sketching out her legs. When you are done with her legs and skirt, you can add some detail to her left hand too.
Step 7.
Here is the last drawing step and all you have to do is sketch out the rest of her legs and shoes. You will also need to draw a sock line just below the knee cap and then start erasing all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.
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